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在 Alluxio 上运行 Apache Flink

在 Alluxio 上运行 Apache Flink

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This guide describes how to get Alluxio running with Apache Flink, so that you can easily work with files stored in Alluxio.


  • Setup Java for Java 8 Update 161 or higher (8u161+), 64-bit.
  • Alluxio has been set up and is running.
  • Flink has been installed and set up.


Apache Flink allows to use Alluxio through a generic file system wrapper for the Hadoop file system. Therefore, the configuration of Alluxio is done mostly in Hadoop configuration files.

Set property in core-site.xml

If you have a Hadoop setup next to the Flink installation, add the following property to the core-site.xml configuration file:


In case you don’t have a Hadoop setup, you have to create a file called core-site.xml with the following contents:


Next, you have to specify the path to the Hadoop configuration in Flink. Open the conf/flink-conf.yaml file in the Flink root directory and set the fs.hdfs.hadoopconf configuration value to the directory containing the core-site.xml. (For newer Hadoop versions, the directory usually ends with etc/hadoop.)

Distribute the Alluxio Client Jar

In order to communicate with Alluxio, we need to provide Flink programs with the Alluxio Core Client jar. We recommend you to download the tarball from Alluxio download page. Alternatively, advanced users can choose to compile this client jar from the source code by following the instructions here. The Alluxio client jar can be found at /<PATH_TO_ALLUXIO>/client/alluxio-2.9.3-client.jar.

We need to make the Alluxio jar file available to Flink, because it contains the configured alluxio.hadoop.FileSystem class.

There are different ways to achieve that:

  • Put the /<PATH_TO_ALLUXIO>/client/alluxio-2.9.3-client.jar file into the lib directory of Flink (for local and standalone cluster setups)
  • Put the /<PATH_TO_ALLUXIO>/client/alluxio-2.9.3-client.jar file into the ship directory for Flink on YARN.
  • Specify the location of the jar file in the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable (make sure its available on all cluster nodes as well). For example like this:
$ export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/<PATH_TO_ALLUXIO>/client/alluxio-2.9.3-client.jar

In addition, if there are any client-related properties specified in conf/alluxio-site.properties, translate those to env.java.opts in {FLINK_HOME}/conf/flink-conf.yaml for Flink to pick up Alluxio configuration. For example, if you want to configure Alluxio client to use CACHE_THROUGH as the write type, you should add the following to {FLINK_HOME}/conf/flink-conf.yaml.

env.java.opts: -Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH

Note: If there are running flink clusters, stop the flink clusters and restart them to apply the changes to the configuration.

To use Alluxio with Flink, just specify paths with the alluxio:// scheme.

If Alluxio is installed locally, a valid path would look like this alluxio://localhost:19998/user/hduser/gutenberg.

Wordcount Example

This example assumes you have set up Alluxio and Flink as previously described.

Put the file LICENSE into Alluxio, assuming you are in the top level Alluxio project directory:

$ bin/alluxio fs copyFromLocal LICENSE alluxio://localhost:19998/LICENSE

Run the following command from the top level Flink project directory:

$ bin/flink run examples/batch/WordCount.jar \
  --input alluxio://localhost:19998/LICENSE \
  --output alluxio://localhost:19998/output

Open your browser and check http://localhost:19999/browse. There should be an output file output which contains the word counts of the file LICENSE.

Alluxio Enterprise AI 3.5 发布:通过创新缓存模式、分布式缓存管理以及Python深度集成,全面提升AI模型训练性能

近日,Alluxio发布Alluxio Enterprise AI 3.5 版本。该版本凭借仅缓存写入模式(Cache Only Write Mode)、高级缓存管理策略以及Python的深度集成等创新功能,大幅加速AI模型训练并简化基础设施运维,助力企业高效处理海量数据集、优化AI工作负载性能。

Alluxio 联手 Solidigm 推出针对 AI 工作负载的高级缓存解决方案

“Solidigm 和 Alluxio 联合推出了高效的分布式 AI 缓存方案。通过将 Solidigm 的 D5-P5336 用作读缓存,D7-PS1010 用于 checkpoint 写入,并搭配 Alluxio 的低操作开销解决方案,我们帮助客户实现了大规模 AI 场景下成本和性能的最佳平衡。优化后的方案充分利用了Solidigm D7-PS1010 Gen5 TLC SSD 的写入带宽和 D5-P5336 Gen4 QLC SSD 的读取带宽,同时将 TLC 和 QLC SSD 的写放大系数保持在 1.02。


为了较好地展示 Alluxio 的缓存性能,我们采用了全球首个且唯一的 AI/ML 存储基准测试——MLPerf® Storage 进行验证。MLPerf™ 是影响力最广的国际 AI 性能基准评测,由图灵奖得主大卫•帕特森(David Patterson)联合顶尖学术机构发起成立,并于2023年推出 MLPerf™ Storage 基准性能测试,旨在以架构中立、具有代表性和可重复的方式衡量 AI 工作负载的存储系统性能。