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“2021年大数据 100强中最酷的数据管理和集成软件公司”

The Coolest Data Management and Integration Software Companies of the 2021 Big Data 100”

CRN 的大数据 100强遴选在大数据管理和数据集成软件领域的解决方案供应商,Alluxio位列最酷公司榜单。

CRN’s Big Data 100 includes a look at the vendors solution providers should know in the big data management and dataintegration software space. Alluxio is listed among the coolest.


“2021年云100 强中 20 家最酷的云软件公司”

20 Coolest Cloud Software Companies of the 2021 Cloud 100”

从初创公司到一些业内最成熟的软件供应商,Alluxio 被公认为推动云软件发展的20家最酷公司之一。

From startups to some of the industry’s most established software vendors, Alluxio is recognized as one of the top 20 coolest companies that is driving the evolution of cloud software.




“The Companies That Matter Most in Data”

DBTA 100榜单展示了正在改进和扩展现有技术和流程以帮助客户更有效地使用数据的前瞻性公司。Alluxio位列最重要公司榜单。

The DBTA 100 showcases forward-looking companies that are improving and expanding upon existing technologies and processes tohelp their customers use data more effectively. Alluxio is included in this list of most significant companies.




“IMPACT 50 List for Q1, Q2 and Q3 2021”

Alluxio 作为大数据行业最重要的推动者和变革者之一,获得了今年前三个季度的荣誉奖。上榜公司均通过领先的产品和服务对相关企业产生了重大影响。


“2021 年数字创新者奖”

“2021 Digital Innovator Awards”


Intellyx bestowed this award on every vendor who made it through Intellyx’s rigorous briefing selection process and delivered asuccessful briefing. Alluxio was among its inaugural award recipients.

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哔哩哔哩是中国年轻一代的标志性品牌及领先的视频社区, 经过十年多的发展,围绕用户、创作者和内容,构建了一个源源不断产生优质内容的生态系统,B站已经涵盖7000多个兴趣圈层的多元文化社区,曾获得QuestMobile研究院评选的“Z世代偏爱APP”和“Z世代偏爱泛娱乐APP”两项榜单第一名并入选“BrandZ”报告2019最具价值中国品牌100强。